
Article Intro

Trainers are invited to write lessons, tips, and experiences with NVC.

Submitted by Gary Baran, Oct, 2018

“It” sucks.

“It’s a beautiful day” is never the truth, although I may feel thrilled and am inspired when I see light coming through clouds in just that way.

If you’re standing next to me, and looking in the same direction, you might have that kind of experience, too, or maybe not. Maybe your attention is elsewhere, for example on the latest political newscast. And I’m OK with that.

I am weaning myself of “It” so I can experience my life more fully. I hope you’ll join me in that even if you don’t notice the light coming through the clouds in this moment.

Submitted by Alex Censor, Oct, 2018

Some of you may have heard of and have interest in the experimental plan to enhance spread of NVC. It was called the New Future process (NFP), and the entity it was to manifest called NVC-0.

This process was started about 5 years ago. One group working on was called the Implementation Council.

In April of 2017 the CNVC Board sent a letter to the NFP Implementation Council describing a significant change in the relationship between CNVC and the NFP.

I am posting the Board's full letter below for any interested.

I personally and many others were relieved and...


When CEO Satya Nadella took over Microsoft, he started defusing its toxic culture by handing each of his execs a 15-year-old book by a psychologist

Submitted by Sally Marie, Oct, 2018
By Mark Abadi
From Business Insider
  • Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella bought all the members of his senior leadership team a copy of the book "Nonviolent Communication" in 2014 when he took over the company.
  • At the time, Microsoft was known for having a culture of hostility, infighting, and backstabbing.
  • "Nonviolent Communication" preaches compassion and empathy in communication, and it has lessons that apply beyond the boardroom.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified), Oct, 2018

"Peace requires something far more difficult than revenge or merely turning the other cheek; it requires empathizing with the fears and unmet needs that provide the impetus for people to attack each other. Being aware of these feelings and needs, people lose their desire to attack back because they can see the human ignorance leading to these attacks; instead, their goal becomes providing the empathic connection and education that will enable them to transcend their violence and engage in cooperative relationships."

~ Marshall B. Rosenberg, Speak Peace in a World of Conflict:...

Submitted by Alex Censor, Oct, 2018

Part-I: When is a request not a request -- and why you might want to know.

Ever make a seemingly reasonable request of someone and had them get their back up in reaction? Or had someone respond in a way making tragically clear they misunderstood what you’re asking? Or, perhaps worse, they appeared to agree yet didn’t follow through – or later denied you ever asked them?

Or maybe you've been on the other end? You’re blind-sided, discovering someone’s resentful or angry at you for your not having done something (perhaps something you might’ve been willing to do...

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified), Sep, 2018

Activist Frances Kissling embodies an openness that is uncomfortable and difficult in this political moment. It’s a challenging coincidence that we chose to air her show this week, What Is Good in the Position of the Other, when few of us feel trust in the other side. But in her decades of work at the center of our fraught conversation on abortion, Kissling says she finds hope not in the possibility of common ground or agreement, but rather in the process of coming to...

Submitted by LaShelle Lowe-Charde, Sep, 2018

Listening to another's difficulties can be a joyful heart connected experience. When someone is sharing a difficulty with you, you don't always know what they are wanting back from you. Without knowing what they want, you likely do what you usually do depending on your habit. This may not match what's wanted and trigger disconnect or impatience. Or perhaps your habit involves taking responsibility for the other person, and listening becomes a burdensome job.

When you can choose to focus on what's happening for the other person without trying to fix or change their experience,...

Submitted by LaShelle Lowe-Charde, Aug, 2018

Have you ever tried to offer someone empathy only to see it bounce off of them? Sometimes it's as though your guess hits a force field. The other person responds to your empathy guess by telling their story again, analyzing, or by criticizing.

You'd like to connect to their heart and share in their experience, not just in the thoughts and opinions. At this point, you might go along politely and avoid talking to that person in the future. Or, if it is a more central relationship, you might move into your own thoughts and judgments and hear yourself say, silently or aloud, something...


Complicating the Narratives

Submitted by Sally Marie, Aug, 2018
By Amanda Ripley
From Solutions Journalism Network

What if journalists covered controversial issues differently — based on how humans actually behave when they are polarized and suspicious?



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I recently felt compelled to print a couple of thousand business-size cards featuring a quote...

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