Projects & Affiliates

In order to more effectively pursue its mission of spreading NVC, ORNCC works cooperatively with other organizations whose mission is aligned with that of ORNCC, that are committed to the core values of NVC, and that support the spread of NVC. ORNCC's relationship with such organizations may take a variety of forms -- for example, reciprocal website links, publicity about programs, etc.

We invite those who are authorized to speak on behalf of organizations wishing to affiliate with ORNCC to request such affiliation. In your request, please indicate:

  • The nature of your organization and its mission
  • The role NVC plays or might play in the organization
  • The name and contact information of a person who could serve as a liaison with ORNCC
  • Your specific request for the kind of affiliation desired (what are you asking ORNCC to do in relation to your organization)
  • What you are willing to offer ORNCC so that the relationship is mutually beneficial (for example, reciprocal links on our respective websites, access to mailing lists, etc.)

Please also indicate if you seek an ongoing relationship or a relationship focused on a specific event or period of time, and if you have any questions your would like us to answer or explore about the relationship.

ORNCC will use the following to evaluate requests for affiliation:

  • Does the candidate affiliate organization support the spread of NVC consciousness?
  • Does the candidate affiliate organization support partnership rather than a domination paradigm?
  • What doable requests for support is the candidate affiliate organization asking of ORNCC?
  • What needs could be met from an affiliation with the candidate organization?
  • What unique opportunities can an affiliation provide?
  • What risks might an affiliation expose ORNCC to?

Thank-you for considering affiliating with us!

From 2008 until 2011, ORNCC sponsored the Oregon Prison Project (OPP), helping to bring NVC training to inmates in several prisons in Oregon. ORNCC is not currently sponsoring this program. If you would like information about this project or wish to contribute to it, please contact Fred Sly.


ORNCC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contibutions are tax-deductible. Learn more

Interested in serving on the ORNCC Board of Directors? We now accept applications on an ongoing basis.

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I recently felt compelled to print a couple of thousand business-size cards featuring a quote...

Upcoming Events

Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 11 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 18 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 25 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathetic Presence and Nonviolent Communication Eugene
  • Sun, Mar 2 - 12:01pm – 1:15pm
Empathetic Presence and Nonviolent Communication Eugene
  • Sun, Apr 6 - 12:01pm – 1:15pm

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