
Submitted on Sep 12, 2020

I recently felt compelled to print a couple of thousand business-size cards featuring a quote from Marshall Rosenberg. I am offering quantities of them to anyone who is interested. I live in Eugene and would be pleased to provide them to anyone inside or outside the area. If they need to be mailed, I simply ask for postage reimbursement.

Julie Roach 541-600-0889

Front Side:

While I have made a request of you, I ask ONLY that you do as I requested if you are doing it out of a desire to...

Submitted on Mar 28, 2020

Is your Practice Group on hold due to Covid-19? Is your Empathy Circle closed down? Are you unable to provide NVC training without additional support for the cost of technology that might help you do that?

ORNCC would like to support you. We are offering up to $100/facilitator, coach or trainer to keep NVC connection alive while we can't meet in person with other NVC practitioners. We have ten scholarships available for purcahse of a service such as Zoom (we aren't pushing this platform, it is just the one we use for our monthly meetings).

If you charge participants for NVC...

Submitted on Dec 2, 2019

Submitted by the ORNCC Board of Directors for the sake of all concerned parties.

Writen by Peggy Smith, Martha Lasley, Sura Hart, Miki Kashtan, Sarah Peyton & Roberta Wall


We have become aware of current situations where certified and non-certified trainers have engaged in sexual relations with participants/clients. We mourn deeply that such situations exist, and see them as part of larger societal patterns of misuse of power that results in serious impacts to others. We are committed to finding solutions that address such issues at the systemic level...

Submitted on Oct 15, 2018

Do you yearn for a vibrant NVC community? And perhaps you are wondering how to make that happen? One way is to partner with ORNCC to create a training in your community. This past year ORNCC board members offered several trainings on a volunteer basis as a way to spread Compassionate Communication in Oregon and to fundraise for ORNCC.

We are excited to offer trainings again this year on the same volunteer basis. We would particularly like to partner with folks who would like to use this opportunity to seed an NVC community and perhaps to start a new practice group. If you would like...

Submitted on Sep 10, 2018

ORNCC's mission is to support the spread of NVC in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our volunteer board members are involved in NVC practice groups, trainings, consulting and working with prison inmates.

All board members are volunteer fundraisers. Our most successful fundraising over the last three years has been from NVC trainings planned and carried out with all volunteer labor supplied by board members and NVC friends. Thanks to all of you, and us, our bank balance is $8900. We can handle our annual expenses (fees to the State, mailbox rental and website maintenance come to...

Submitted on Apr 30, 2018

Celebrating Marshall Rosenberg in Eugene, Bend, Ashland and ????

The Oregon Network for Compassionate Communication is creating and encouraging others to create celebrations of Marshall on the anniversary of his birthday, October 6. Marshall deeply contributed to so many lives that a celebration and a remembering of him seemed like a wonderful way to acknowledge the gifts he shared and that so many of us continue to practice and share with others to create more peace and understanding in our world!

You are welcome to attend one of these events OR create your own and let us...

Submitted on Mar 29, 2017

Eugene's Saturday Market opens for the season on Saturday, April 1st and the Empathy Tent will be there again this year!

Volunteers set it up at 10:45a and there are 3 "Listening shifts", 11a - 1p, 1p - 3p and 3p - 5p. Ideally, there are 2 volunteers "Listeners" listening together to the "Listenee" (person getting empathy) in each of the 3 shifts, so there are plenty of opportunities to be involved. If you are new or rusty with your empathy skills, you can be paired with an experienced Listener. If you want to help, but not willing to be a Listener, your assistance is needed to set...

Submitted on Dec 10, 2016

Robert Gonzalez will have only one in-Oregon training in 2017 and it will be in Eugene March 3, 4, 5.

"The work of Living Compassion emerges from my own inner journey enriched and inspired by many people with whom I have enjoyed being and working. What I share is centered in the dimension of the heart; it is what is most deeply alive in me and the most meaningful activity in my life" Robert tells us.

Robert Gonzales was certified as a trainer of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in 1986 by Marshall Rosenberg. He has led over 20 International Intensive Trainings and hundreds of...

Submitted on Mar 28, 2016

The Empathy Tent is now at Eugene's Holiday Market in the Farmer's Market area. It will be there every weekend the Farmer's Market is open, which includes both Saturday and Sunday, until December 18. So far the Empathy Tent has been very popular, in part due to a sign out front of booth that says, "Holiday Market Specials - Election Empathy, Shopping Blues, Holiday Celebrations". Both "Listenees" and "Listeners" have reported having many needs met, including: Community, Support, Learning, Contribution and Empathy! If you would like to volunteer as a Listener or have questions please...



ORNCC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contibutions are tax-deductible. Learn more

Interested in serving on the ORNCC Board of Directors? We now accept applications on an ongoing basis.

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I recently felt compelled to print a couple of thousand business-size cards featuring a quote...

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Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 11 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 18 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 25 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathetic Presence and Nonviolent Communication Eugene
  • Sun, Mar 2 - 12:01pm – 1:15pm
Empathetic Presence and Nonviolent Communication Eugene
  • Sun, Apr 6 - 12:01pm – 1:15pm

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