Practice Groups

Practice Group Intro

Practice Groups provide opportunity for learning, growth and connection within a supportive group. You may find increased comfort and ease with applying and integrating NVC awareness in your everyday life with consistent practice and support. We hope so.

Practice groups are self-forming and found in many local communities. Leadership may be shared by participants or offered by a single facilitator. There may be an associated fee or donation. They may meet in public places, private homes or community centers. They may be organized around a particular method of practice such as using a particular text or workbook; a skill level; or a particular interest (role play, social change, peaceful communities, parenting, mediation, gender, couples, empathy practice).

Group format and structure vary widely depending on the needs and experience of participants. We encourage you to find a group that meets your needs or start your own group.

Creating an account (from the top right corner link) will enable you to add your Practice Group here.

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Lisa-Marie DiVincent

Empathy Cafe is a safe, structured, cozy environment to explore listening and being listened to. Practice dealing with difficult situations. Express yourself to get more of what you and others need. Expand your tools for making empathy and self-empathy easier and more natural-feeling.

Brand new through experienced will be warmly welcomed and nurtured.

We're looking for folks who want to commit to attend every week for at least a few months -- to support continuity, familiarity, community building. Call to tell me about yourself and your experience, to hear more about our...

  • Monday 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Requested Fee:
$20-25 per evening or part cash/part work exchange.
Location: Cozy home in the South Eugene Area
Nothing except for the intention to support the needs of your fellow members, your own needs, and those of the group-as-a-whole. All are welcome after a phone visit with Lisa-Marie to co-assess mutual compatibility.
Required Materials:
Your current empathic and self-empathic presence, just as you are!
Group Maximum:
20 Members


Bryn Hazell

Format varies: empathy, beauty of needs, small groups. Meets on Sundays and Wednesdays. Phone contact for Bryn, 541-350-6517

  • Sunday 4:30pm – 6:00pm
Requested Fee:
Some familiarity of the concepts of NVC, which includes reading, videos, workshops, practice groups, etc.
Group Maximum:
12 Members
Bryn Hazell

Weekly format varies. Phone contact for Bryn, 541-350-6517

  • Tuesday 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Requested Fee:
Some familiarity with NVC, including reading, videos, workshops, etc
Group Maximum:
12 Members
Bryn Hazell

Format varies, empathy practice, skill-building.  Phone contact for Bryn, 541-350-6517

  • Wednesday 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Requested Fee:
Donation requested
Some familiarity of the concepts of NVC, which includes reading, videos, workshops, practice groups, etc.


ORNCC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contibutions are tax-deductible. Learn more

Interested in serving on the ORNCC Board of Directors? We now accept applications on an ongoing basis.

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I recently felt compelled to print a couple of thousand business-size cards featuring a quote...

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