
Trainers Intro

Following Marshall Rosenberg's lead, we encourage people who find NVC to be of value, to share with others what they understand of the process. Some of those who offer instruction in NVC have been certified as trainers by the Center for Nonviolent Communication, the organization Marshall created. They have gone through a certification process, have agreed to a trainer agreement and give some of their training income to CNVC. Those who are not certified trainers are expected to abide by CNVC guidelines for sharing nvc.

ORNCC provides this list of CNVC Certified Trainers and Trainer/Facilitators. This is not intended to serve as an endorsement or referral to any of the people listed. We suggest you check with each person individually to verify their background and experience.

Creating an account (from the top right corner link) with a bio, will list you on this Trainers page, as well as enable you to add your Trainings on the Trainings page.

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John Abbe

Guerilla Trainer in NVC (and good process generally) Trainer/Facilitator

I have also offered more formal training. [Email] 617-678-3155
Selene's picture

Selene Aitken

CNVC Certified Trainer

When I met Marshall in 1996, I came to NVC with a background in teaching, mediation, languages and peace and justice activism. NVC changed my life. I have gained a sustaining confidence that I can bridge differences and conflicts with compassion. My relationship with myself is now mostly characterized by joy, peace and acceptance. Most important to me is that NVC continuously nourishes a hope that the caring world I want to live in is possible.

My experiences in Kabul, Syria, Jordan, El Salvador, Buenos Aires and most recently, Mexico, as well as the US. has confirmed for me the universal application of NVC principles and practices. I see myself as a resource to explore issues of reactivity, conflict, communication, collaboration and reconciliation. My Restoring Kinship work focuses on parents and their adult sons and daughters. I’m available by Skype and phone as well as in person. [Email] 5412278818
Rosemary Alden's picture

Rosemary Alden

Trainer Trainer/Facilitator

Since 2001, Rosemary Alden practices Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) and also teaches JSJ self help, often incorporating NVC concepts in those teachings. Her study and practice of NVC began with Holley Humphrey about the same time as JSJ. Over the years she has expanded her study and practice of JSJ alongside studying NVC with LaShelle Lowe-Charde, Mary MacKenzie, Marianne Van Djik of the Netherlands, and many others, including Marshall himself, on YouTube. Dedicated to the Marshall's principles, Rosemary sought and received approval as a "Supporter" of NVC on the CNVC website. In 2018, longing for a local NVC community, Rosemary started sharing NVC concepts in meetings based on Marshall's teachings from NONVIOLENT COMMUNICATION, A LANGUAGE OF LIFE. Recently, Rosemary expanded that sharing by offering NVC Basics at the local community college. [Email] 541 556 0177
Sandra Amiry's picture

Sandra Amiry

CNVC Certified Trainer

Individual and Couples Coaching, Mediation and Training

I started my practicing and sharing Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in 2003 as part of my passion for building stronger relationships, (focusing on, though not limited to, Couples and Parenting,) while developing more integrated and sustainable communities. I completed my NVC Trainer Certification with CNVC in 2016.

I've been gifted by the experience of bringing NVC into the Oregon State Penitentiary, Columbia River Correctional Institution, the Reentry Transition Center in Portland, and at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility (for Women). I currently offer Individual and Couples Coaching, mediation and various trainings to my greater Portland community and globally via zoom. Having been a Rose City NVC Teacher Training Program (TTP) participant myself, I'm now excited to offer this same opportunity (as sole proprietor of Rose City NVC), to other teachers in training.

My personal NVC journey includes many other forms of emotional/spiritual growth work with an emphasis on meditative and body awareness practices. I integrate practices which allow me other avenues to strengthen the essence of our NVC work. While I believe words and the form on NVC can help my participants get into a place of greater compassion and understanding, I also believe that holding a space of compassion and understanding in myself creates ease in adopting the new words (silently and out loud) for my participants. My spiritual outlook related to NVC is to align my daily will in progress towards awareness, acceptance, action and sharing the gifts I've received from this work. My vision for an NVC world is one in which most adults will hold this type of unconditional and loving space most of the time, supporting each other in the hard times, and in continued healing and growth, so we can be fully engaged to more of each moment on this earth. [Email] 5033955285
Mark Babson's picture

Mark Babson


Mark learned about NVC in 2008 at a training with Marshall in Eugene. He took an online Parenting course from CNVC, and joined a couples' group with Tim Buckley and Elaine Hultengren. Mark has been co-leading NVC groups in the Salem-area prisons and the community for the past 3 years. He is currently leading a Spanish-language NVC course at Oregon State Prison.

[Email] 9713744166
doylebanks's picture

Doyle Banks

Facilitator, Coach Trainer/Facilitator

Doyle Banks is a Portland, OR resident who has had extensive training in Nonviolent Communication including an International Intensive Training (IIT) with Marshall Rosenberg, a year as a participant in the BayNVC Leadership Program (2013), followed by a year as an assistant in the 2014 program. Roxy Manning, Kit Miller, Robert Gonzales and Fred Sly are some of the trainers from whom he has learned.

Since 2008, Doyle has offered workshops, Foundations/Basics classes, training and practice groups for local non-profits and has been a presenter for the past several years at the Mount Hood Community College's annual Spring Peace Conference. He also offers NVC-based mediation as well as life and relationship coaching. [Email] 503-310-2160

Jody Bellant Scheer

Physician, Facilitator, Author Trainer/Facilitator

Jody Bellant Scheer, MD has offered classes and trainings in NVC to parents, medical, business, and community groups since 2004. She is a pediatrician whose dream is creating healthy relationships and peaceful co-existence within all families, institutions and communities of the world. She has worked since 1982 with sick newborns, premature infants and their families in Portland, OR. She is co-founder of Medical and Educational Relief International Association (MERIA), Inc, a nonprofit working to provide essential medical and educational services worldwide. [Email] 503-285-6756
Phyllis Brzozowska's picture

Phyllis Brzozowska


Phyllis Brzozowska has studied extensively with Marshall Rosenberg and other nationally known Certified NVC trainers for 15 years []

[Email] 928-499-8603
tbucktoo's picture

Timothy Buckley

Consultant Trainer/Facilitator

Tim and his wife, Elaine Hultengren, have team taught both in prison settings and in the community. Part of the Oregon Prison Project teaching team since 2010, they now recruit and help train others joining that team. Trained in NVC, meditation, mindfulness-based stress reduction, emotional intelligence and trauma-informed care, the couple brings added experience and exercises to their work.

[Email] 503 990 6781

Alex Censor

M.S., etc., general supporter/promoter/coach/explorer of NVC CNVC Certified Trainer

I'm a certified trainer of communication skills via Center For Nonviolent Communication (CNVC). Having trained with Marshall Rosenberg starting in 1986 (see, in 1995 I was lucky enough to the first trainer to receive a formal certification document from Marshall. I've run communications skills workshops (many with my wife/co-trainer, Meera) in the USA, Canada, and Israel.

I created and run the email support groups for all the certified international trainers of non-violent communication since 2000, and created SynergyCommunication the first and oldest running NVC Internet email support and practice group. I'm working on developing artificial intelligence based dispute mediation software based on NVC principles. I'm excited that this (combining the increasing power of artificial intelligence with the principles of and experience of NVC) could help spread NVC consciousness faster and wider than currently. If anyone reading this has interest, or better yet skill and resources or contact in artificial intelligence I'd love to hear from you.

He currently lives with his wife, Meera two dogs and two cats (each of whom comunicate nonviolently) in Ashland Oregon.

Editor, at Psychology Today Magazine. Medical communications specialist. Owner/Instructor of scuba diving operation in Caribbean. Full-time San Diego Ocean lifeguard. Certified NAUI scuba instructor and sailing instructor in businesses he ran and founded in the Caribbean. Pilot.

B.S. degree, Biological Sciences, State University of New York, Stony Brook.
M.S. degree, Biology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.
Ph.D. program, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.(Physiology & Biophysics)

[Email] 541-488-5683
rosecitynvc's picture

Rose City NVC

Training Center CNVC Certified Trainer

We are a NVC teaching space located in inner SE Portland! Our primary Trainers are Xander MacSwan, and CNVC Certified Sandra Amiry. Our mission is to increase access to peace and connection within our community by supporting our clients in resolving both inner and outer conflicts. We strive to make our courses accessible through sliding scale pricing and limited scholorships. We are honored to support the NVC movement in the world, and hope to continually find new ways to uplift our community. [Email] 301-789-8475

Lisa-Marie DiVincent

Facilitator, Mediator, Coach, Counselor Trainer/Facilitator

With fifteen-plus fun filled years of experience with NVC, I've been a Eugene-Springfield area therapist, mediator and group facilitator since the mid-80s, also offering phone and Skype sessions internationally. I first read the book in 2000, took various trainings including graduating from the year-long 2003 BayNVC Leadership Program. I was a co-founding member of ORNCC and co-planner of the U of O 2008 Nonviolence as a Way of Life Conference, featuring Marshall Rosenberg in his last appearance in Oregon before he retired. I've taught NVC in schools, churches, businesses and have facilitated the weekly class/practice group called Empathy Cafe since 2009. Please contact me for a complimentary get-acquainted phone visit!

[Email] 541-484-7366
sjgoldman's picture

Steven Goldman

Consultant Trainer/Facilitator

Steve has received more than 1,000 hours of NVC training from Marshall Rosenberg, Robert Gonzales, Miki and Arnina Kashtan, Klaus Karstaedt, Irmtraud Kauschat, and other distinguished teachers, and has co-facilitated an NVC practice group for 11 years. He has taught NVC to 4th, 5th, and 6th graders, teachers in grades 1-12 and in Palestine, former prison inmates, therapists, and church and community members. Steve has also been a regular volunteer listener in the Empathy Tent at the Eugene Saturday Market for more than 5 years.

[Email] 541 686 3056
Aaron Good MS CRC's picture

Aaron Good

MS, CRC, LPC Trainer/Facilitator

I have a Master's in Counseling from Portland State University. I have co-facilitated a counseling group that used NVC as its foundation to help clients build compassion for themselves and others. I really can say that NVC has changed the way I think about the world, and I'm excited to share it with others! [Email] 503 997 1886
Bryn Hazell's picture

Bryn Hazell


Bryn has been learning and sharing the Compassionate (Nonviolent) Communication skills created by Marshall Rosenberg since 2001. She is President of the Board of the Center for Compassionate Living (CCL) in Bend, a nonprofit that offers communication skills, workshops, classes and practice groups. Bryn enjoys sharing these skills at CCL, for local groups and organizations and at Deer Ridge Correctional Institution in Madras. She also serves on the board of the Oregon Network for Compassionate Communication (ORNCC) and is a founder of ORNCC. [Email] 541-728-0878
Mary Kate's picture

Mary Kate Land

Consultant Trainer/Facilitator

I discovered NVC in the course of my teacher training more than 20 years ago. I was lucky enough to be in a training group with fellow teachers, run by Gary Baran. Throughout my years in the classroom, homeschooling in community with other families, and in my current role as a consultant and support group leader, I have found the ideas presented by Dr. Rosenburg to be helpful guides to connecting across differences. I'm interested in creating NVC applications that spread ideas to children and those who serve them.

[Email] 541 357 0076
LaShelle's picture

LaShelle Lowe-Charde

Trainer CNVC Certified Trainer

LaShelle Lowe-Chardé is passionate about helping people express their deepest values in their relationships and creating clarity and connection with self and others.

She began her professional career with a master’s degree in school psychology. In addition to nine years in public schools, she spent several years facilitating group healing work for adolescent youth labeled “at-risk”. During that same time she led leadership and teamwork trainings for businesses and organizations around Portland, Oregon.

Along the way she found Compassionate/Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and began training with Marshall Rosenberg and other internationally known NVC trainers. She immediately knew that Compassionate Communication was the missing piece. It offers a deep and broad yet simple understanding of human nature along with a concrete set of tools to help us act and live from a place of clarity and compassion. For LaShelle, Compassionate Communication is the hands and feet of spirituality. In 2006, she was certified as a NVC trainer.

In addition to certification in Nonviolent Communication, she has completed a three year training in Hakomi - Body Centered Therapy and introductory trainings in Emotionally Focused Therapy and with the Gottman Institute.

In 2004, she founded her business, Wise Heart ( Since that time she has served as a trainer, private coach, and mentor for the learning and practice of Compassionate Communication and mindfulness. LaShelle teaches locally as well as through video conferencing online. She has offerings for couples, women, and the general public in addition to trainings for local nonprofit organizations. Her offerings focus on combining NVC with mindfulness and a subtle understanding of reactivity and relationship skills. [Email] 503-544-7583
Josh Mann's picture

Josh Mann


Josh has been offering Nonviolent Communication practice groups, classes, and workshops in Eugene since 2017. In 2021, he has also hosted practice groups online.

Josh first read 'Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life' in 2005. Three years later, he attended an International Intensive Training in New Mexico with Marshall Rosenberg and CNVC Trainers Rodger Sorrows and John Kinyon. Josh has also participated in classes and workshops with several other CNVC Trainers, including Jesse Wiens Chu, Catherine Cadden, LaShelle Lowe-Charde, Robert Gonzales, and Sandra Amiry.

Josh has a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership and Policy from Portland State University and a Bachelor's degree in Music from the University of Oregon. Some of Josh's other interests include Buddhist meditation and mindfulness practices and healthy masculinity.

[Email] 503-679-0495
Kathy Marchant's picture

Kathy Marchant

Consultant, Mediator, Coach Trainer/Facilitator

In 1999 Kathy chose to move her work focus in a new direction and she became executive director of an organization mentoring troubled teens. In order to better support the youth and families served by the organization, Kathy searched for a communication tool to build and sustain respectful relationships based on trust. In 2000 she was ecstatic when she discovered Compassionate Communication and recognized its power to transform lives. She began training with Marshall Rosenberg and has since dedicated herself to living and sharing the principles of NVC. She now supports others in the practical day-to-day learning and application of the process.

Drawing on her prior management experience, Kathy also designs and delivers trainings to diverse organizations and businesses. Compassionate (Nonviolent) Communication (NVC) provides a simple yet effective framework to ask for what we want with clarity and authenticity. By facilitating the practice of Compassionate Communication in work environments, Kathy has taught individuals, executives and business leaders to connect in ways that unify and create effective work teams.

Kathy facilitates quarterly courses as well as workshops for individuals new to NVC. For more than 15 years she has led practice groups for those wanting to deepen their practice of NVC through her ongoing coaching and support in a small group environment. Whether you are stuck in a disconnecting communication pattern within your family or are feeling challenged to express yourself with clarity and honesty in your workplace, learn how to apply this powerful tool. [Email] 503-680-5949
Anthony Marchant's picture

Anthony Marchant

Consultant Trainer/Facilitator

Anthony’s journey to become a therapist began in his early 20s when he mentored at-risk teens in Portland, focusing on the power of relationship to transform lives. While he worked to make a difference in the lives of teens, he found it was his own life that was most powerfully defined and enhanced through the relationships he built and the people who touched his heart.
As his work as a mentor continued, he began to learn and practice Nonviolent Communication (NVC). This was a truly transformative time in his life; it felt to him that a seed had been planted and had begun to grow.
He went on to volunteer as a Peace Corps community health educator in Gabon, West Africa. While there he cultivated a true passion for working with people. Coupled with his experience as a mentor and with NVC it became clear that relationship—with oneself and with others—was where he wanted to direct his energy for the rest of his life.

After two years in the Peace Corps he went on to earn a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology at Naropa University. Naropa offered a Buddhist-inspired contemplative/experiential education which deeply rooted his clinical skills in a framework of presence and mindfulness, a unique education that was able to integrate all of his previous life experiences. He is currently being trained in Somatic Experiencing (TM), a body centered modality that focuses on trauma and issues related to the healthy functioning of the nervous system.

Anthony specializes in working with couples, families, adults and adolescents. Examples of his broad experience include his having worked within a school system counseling adolescents and their families, and in providing successful long-term treatment to individuals convicted of domestic abuse and more recently with people suffering from various trauma related disorders.
Anthony lives with his wife, daughter and two dogs in southwest Portland. He practices Aikido, a Japanese non-violent martial art, employing its emphasis on balance, connection and compassion in his personal and professional work. “My intention is to bring who I am, and my training, into therapy to help others live their lives to the fullest.” [Email] (971) 322-4475
Portland's picture

Sally Marie

Facilitator Trainer/Facilitator

I've been actively pursuing competency in NVC since 2008 or so and figure I'll be working on it for the rest of my time on this planet. I facilitated NVC classes at Oregon State Penitentiary as part of the Oregon Prison Project for about three years and loved to learn with the inmates. Needs met for me there were primarily connection, community and contribution. I've taken quite a few workshops from a variety of trainers including LaShelle Charde, Selene Aitken, Sara Peyton, Robert Gonzales, Fred Sly, Gary Baran and Liv Monroe; helped facilitate NVC community classes with Gary Baran from time to time; and I'm in a practice group in Yachats. I'm actively working on bringing more NVC to the coast. We will have our third yearly training out here this March.


Kathy Masarie

Physician, Parent and Life Coach, Facilitator, Author of 3 parenting books Trainer/Facilitator

Kathy Masarie, M.D. has facilitated compassionate communication workshops and classes since 2004 and brings it into her work as a life coach. She also is a sought-after national speaker and facilitator specializing in empowering caring adults with communication and advocacy tools to enhance the lives of children from pre-school through high school. She also offers In-services and trainings for teachers, principals, and other educators.
A pediatrician, Dr. Masarie served the medical needs of families in Pennsylvania and Oregon for over two decades. Out of her pediatric practice grew a special interest in preventing risky behavior in teens and the founding of Family Empowerment Network ( Through this organization, she offers one-on-one parent and life coaching, seminars, workshops, and classes on various topics on raising children including “Compassionate Communication,” “Connect by Coaching Your Kid,” and “Addressing Peer Mistreatment (Bullying).” [Email] 503 516 3755

Vika Miller

MA Trainer/Facilitator

I first encountered Compassionate/Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in the late 1990s.

Learning that feelings were pointing to needs met/unmet was like a lightning bolt for me; it was the missing piece that finally made everything make sense. I'd always believed that Thriving was our birthright. NVC showed me that our feelings guide us to the Life-Needs that are our pathways to thriving.

NVC also helped me understand that my anger was just letting me know I had long-unmet needs aching to be met. There wasn't anything wrong with me, and I didn't have to feel ashamed of my feelings. I just needed to learn how to answer the Call to Thriving.

But it got even better. In 2013, I learned essential elements of Relational Neuroscience and Attachment Theory that, when integrated with NVC and my Thriving Life principles, finally explained some of the stuff I'd been struggling to understand for decades, like:

* why we can't "do NVC" when we're upset
* what "stress" really is, and why it's so dangerous for both our physical health and our relationships
* why compassionate, authentic, resonant community is essential for our well-being, and is central to our capacity for growth and genuine fulfillment
* what really, truly dissolves our automatic reactions and restores authentic presence and choice
* why it's so dangerous to have compassion for others without also developing healthy boundaries and care for ourselves
* down-to-earth ways we can expand our capacity for presence and authentic choice, regardless of circumstances
* how to connect with our deepest authenticity and natural power and genius, and become free to make the difference that only we can make in the world

This work has helped me come home to being human, and given me the unspeakably precious gift of being able to share "this being human" with you and others in a way that fulfills all my dearest dreams for authentic, attuned connection.

I live and practice everything I teach. My deepest passions are profound authenticity, compassion, and responsive accountability, offering a deeply safe, gentle living model of how we -- as both flawed and transcendent human beings -- can co-create a deeply nourishing world and relationships that recognize the practical realities of being human, while truly honoring and supporting everyone's thriving.

There is no pain that we can't turn into food for the heart and medicine for the soul, if we just keep practicing what works, in human connection.

I'm been so blessed to be a part of our Thriving Life community that welcomes everything we are -- from what is most magnificent to us, to our "warts and farts and ugly crazy parts" -- to be fully Seen, Gotten, and Celebrated.

Welcome home to this journey into Thriving! [Email]

Joanna Niemann

Talking Giraffe and Restorative Circles Trainer/Facilitator

Joanna passed away unexpectedly on Sept 11th 2018 from complications after by-pass surgery that was expected to be more-or-less routine. Memorial donations may be made to ORNCC or CNVC if desired.
Joanna had a long and varied background, including architect, welding, teaching, artist and healer. Her NVC practice goes back 20+ years, having learned from Marshall and many others on both coasts. She's taught NVC and now hosted a weekly practice group in Ashland.

Upgeya's picture

Upgeya Pew

Educator, Trainer/Facilitator

I've been practicing and using Compassionate Communication for about 15 years, both in my personal and professional life. Since 2002, I've been doing workshops and facilitating groups in a variety of settings, working with individuals, faith groups, activists, intentional communities, non-profits, and schools. I work with groups with creativity, empathy, and humor, often incorporating Socratic dialog, role play, and other creative activities to deepen the workshop experience.

For my own education, I've done several "International Intensives" with the founder of NVC (Marshall Rosenberg) and the Center for Nonviolent Communication, and other advanced workshops. I'm passionate about bringing this form of communication and relating to people, as I see it contributing to and building a more peaceful, just, sustainable world. Social permaculture is also a passion of mine, and I find NVC integrates wonderfully with aspects of that. I did my Permaculture Design Certificate Course with Geoff Lawton in 2014.

[Email] 541-362-1011
Sarah Peyton's picture

Sarah Peyton

Author and Speaker CNVC Certified Trainer

Sarah Peyton, CNVC Certified Trainer, offers trainings focused on learning and using resonant language to transform the brain. She brings together depth work and self-compassion that integrate Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) with the healing potential of Nonviolent Communication's verbal and non-verbal empathy. She is delighted by the self-compassion that arises from understanding how language and resonance change our brains, heal trauma and give us new energy, well-being and choice. She teaches and lectures internationally, teaches communication at the college level, and she has been published in North America and Europe on NVC and IPNB. Her work focuses on how we hear and understand one another, effective ways to connect hearts, and developing self-compassion and clarity. Her passion is watching people's self-understanding deepen into warmth. Her book Your Resonant Self: Guided Meditations and Exercises to Restore Your Brain's Capacity for Healing, published by W.W. Norton & Co. in 2017, is the first book from a major publisher to significantly feature Nonviolent Communication. [Email] 206-579-1696
Vancouver, WA
oregonagape's picture

Chuck Powers


Chuck Powers has been practicing and integrating Nonviolent Communication consciousness since 2004, and is grateful for many teachers and influences, including: Marshall Rosenberg, LaShelle Charde, Susan Skye and Sadie Scabarozi. A graduate of Susan’s Pacific Leadership NVC Training program, Chuck has been a member of and facilitated several practice groups, and was on the board and past treasurer of the Oregon Network for Compassionate Communication. A Zen practice also informs and supports his NVC practice. Father of two and a grandfather, Chuck works by day as a CPA and lives in Vancouver, Washington.


Mark Roberts

Mediator Trainer/Facilitator

Run the Empathy Tent in Eugene

[Email] 5415795974
Aimee Ryan's picture

Aimee Ryan

Facilitator, Mediator, Coach, Organizational Development and Community Building Consultant CNVC Certified Trainer

Aimee Ryan passionate about co-creating a world where everyone is empowered to show up as their fullest selves, where everyone’s needs matter, and where there is space for all voices to be heard. As a way to fulfill these passions, she offers conflict transformation and mediation services and trainings, Nonviolent Communication workshops, group facilitation and organizational development, and collaborative coaching.

Aimee has been studying mediation, as well as mindfulness and yoga practices, for over 17 years, and is a Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, a Certified Mediator, and Certified Yoga Instructor. Her experience ranges from working with nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies, schools, and prisons, to communities, families and individuals. Currently living in Ashland, OR, her life is now largely focused co-creating social technologies for thriving, equitable communities, organizations, and movements. [Email]
csathler's picture

Carlos Sathler


Carlos has been an NVC practitioner for the past ten years and has led teams at volunteer-based and for-profit organizations for the past twenty years. He is currently a candidate for certification as a trainer by The Center for Nonviolent Communication. Carlos is deeply committed to NVC and enjoys regularly contributing to Oregon’s NVC community as an ORNCC board member. [Email] 503.961.5828

Heather Schlessman

PhD Trainer/Facilitator

My empathic communication journey began in Portland, OR where I was lucky enough to find Kathy Marchant for a facilitator and mentor. I took the introductory course to NVC and then participated in a weekly practice group for the next 4 years until I moved with my husband to Hawaii. Once there we facilitated in introductory course and then ran a weekly practice group for the next 2 years. During this time I also started blogging about empathic communication on our website,, and have also started an empathic blog at the LA Post Examiner, called the Giraffe Life. We have moved now to Eugene, OR and want to continue our passion of sharing this work of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. I believe this isn't just a process, but a consciousness that leads to a happier, more free life. [Email] 541-913-5548
susanskye's picture

Susan Skye

Private Consultant & Speaker CNVC Certified Trainer

Susan is a psychologist, trainer, private consultant, and speaker. A graduate of Bryn Mawr College, Yale University, and Pacifica Graduate Institute, Susan holds Master’s degrees in both Psychology and Russian & East European Studies.

While Assistant Dean at UCLA in the early 1970s, she co-created and taught the Women’s Studies Program. She has been in private consulting practice for more than 35 years, working with individuals, groups, and organizations, including General Motors and the government of British Colombia, and since 1976 has conducted trainings in the United States, Canada, Europe, and South Korea.

A CNVC Certified NVC Trainer for more than 22 years, Susan has also been a regular trainer at the Center for Nonviolent Communication’s (CNVC) International Intensive Trainings. In 2000 Susan co-founded the NVC Training Institute, and served as CNVC’s Certification Coordinator for North and South America for 10 years.

She created the groundbreaking New Depths Intensive Program in 2010.

Susan lives just outside Portland, Oregon. [Email] 503-245-5735
Fred Sly's picture

Fred Sly

PhD CNVC Certified Trainer

Fred has been learning and teaching NVC since 1999. Along the way he earned a PhD in Psychology addressing the reactive basis of violence and how empathy promotes peace and accountability. Additionally, Fred was instrumental in creating and directing the Oregon Prison Project (OPP) that currently offers classes in four Oregon adult facilities, one post-release program, and one youth authority facility as well. Fred also started and grew Rose City NVC, a Portland area teaching organization currently offering NVC classes to individuals, organizations, couples, families, and businesses in Oregon. Fred is currently retired from both OPP and Rose City NVC in order to work with those struggling with the symptoms of psychological trauma, veterans with PTSD, prisons systems that want to establish and grow NVC programs, and those wanting to create cooperative community. Along with Liv Monroe, Fred offers an annual NVC retreat at Breitenbush in early June.

[Email] 503-953-0333
steyaert's picture

Karl Steyaert

MA & MS CNVC Certified Trainer

Karl is passionate about co-creating learning experiences and communities that contribute to peace, justice, and sustainability. With over 20 years of experience teaching and facilitating groups, he has helped catalyze learning in settings ranging from companies and university classrooms, to ecovillages and intentional communities. As a CNVC Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) he leads trainings in conflict resolution and communication across North America, Europe, and Asia, and serves as a CNVC Assessor supporting candidates on their journey to becoming CNVC Certified Trainers. In addition, he facilitates Restorative Circles, a community-based approach to restorative justice.

Beyond his work with NVC and conflict resolution, Karl is actively involved in co-creating communities that embody values such as sustainability, transformational learning, and consciousness. With academic training in Anthropology (B.A. Dartmouth College; M.A. U of Michigan) and Environmental Policy (M.S. U of Michigan), Karl enjoys practicing & sharing ecovillage design, Permaculture, aikido (a nonviolent Japanese martial art), Buddhist meditation, and yoga. [Email] 2068908767
Tina Taylor's picture

Tina Taylor

RN, MS; Stress Management Consultant, Mediator; owner of Stress Solutions LLC Trainer/Facilitator

Tina Taylor is a Registered Nurse (since 1981) with her Master's degree in Counseling (1995) and national certification as a yoga instructor. Stress Solutions LLC is her private practice, offering holistic stress management, communication skills training, and mediation; NVC has been her primary model since 2008. As a mediator she has specialties in Eldercare Mediation and Medical Mediation. From 2010 to 2020 she volunteered with the Oregon Prison Project, bringing NVC training to inmates at Oregon State Penitentiary. She also volunteered 2009-2015 with Neighbor-to-Neighbor Mediation Services in Corvallis, providing free mediation for small claims courts and community cases. She has hundreds of hours of NVC training by CNVC-certified and other NVC teachers. Tina offers individual and relationship stress management consulting, NVC workshops, inservices for professional and private groups, and a variety of related services. Please feel free to call to discuss how she can help you meet your needs. [Email] 541.753.2255
Stuart Watson's picture

Stuart Watson

Family Mediator / Author of Relationship Repair Game Trainer/Facilitator

Stuart has 25 years experience learning, teaching and living the principles of NVC, and 20 years as a professional Family and Divorce Mediator with Oregon Divorce Guides, LLC. Stuart enjoys sharing NVC with groups in ways that are fun, experiential, and easy to learn. As a co-founder of the Oregon Network for Compassionate Communication, he continues to advocate for spreading a more connected consciousness. Stuart has woven the skills and awareness of NVC through his conflict transformation toolkit: [Email] 503 453 six six 94
Bob Wentworth's picture

Bob Wentworth

PhD CNVC Certified Trainer

I once asked myself the question, “Is there a single key that could make a difference in addressing all the world’s problems?” It seemed to me that if we could find ways to more reliably partner to work together, instead of battling or working at cross-purposes, then this could make all the difference. To me, NVC offers some critical pieces of the puzzle, concerning how we can be together in more satisfying ways. NVC powerfully contributes to making new things possible intra-personally (in how we relate to ourselves), interpersonally (between people), and potentially on larger scales (systemically, institutionally and politically). I am interesting in supporting the application of NVC at all these levels. I’m also interested in integrating NVC with additional knowledge, about individual thriving (especially in the face of trauma) and organizational functioning (including consciousness about use of power).

I am a CNVC Certified Trainer, and have led workshops around the world. In addition to leading workshops, I offer private sessions, coaching and mediation for individuals and couples—for learning, healing, and creating inner and outer peace. For groups and institutions, I offer facilitation and coaching to support increased effectiveness and alignment with aspirational values.

I co-founded Family Heart Camp, a collection of NVC family camps held each year around the US. I served on the Board of Directors of the Center for Nonviolent Communication. I have a Ph.D. in Applied Physics.

[Email] 703-472-3647


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  • Tue, Feb 11 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 18 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 25 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathetic Presence and Nonviolent Communication Eugene
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Empathetic Presence and Nonviolent Communication Eugene
  • Sun, Apr 6 - 12:01pm – 1:15pm

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