Alex Censor

M.S., etc., general supporter/promoter/coach/explorer of NVC
CNVC Certified Trainer

I'm a certified trainer of communication skills via Center For Nonviolent Communication (CNVC). Having trained with Marshall Rosenberg starting in 1986 (see, in 1995 I was lucky enough to the first trainer to receive a formal certification document from Marshall. I've run communications skills workshops (many with my wife/co-trainer, Meera) in the USA, Canada, and Israel.

I created and run the email support groups for all the certified international trainers of non-violent communication since 2000, and created SynergyCommunication the first and oldest running NVC Internet email support and practice group. I'm working on developing artificial intelligence based dispute mediation software based on NVC principles. I'm excited that this (combining the increasing power of artificial intelligence with the principles of and experience of NVC) could help spread NVC consciousness faster and wider than currently. If anyone reading this has interest, or better yet skill and resources or contact in artificial intelligence I'd love to hear from you.

He currently lives with his wife, Meera two dogs and two cats (each of whom comunicate nonviolently) in Ashland Oregon.

Editor, at Psychology Today Magazine. Medical communications specialist. Owner/Instructor of scuba diving operation in Caribbean. Full-time San Diego Ocean lifeguard. Certified NAUI scuba instructor and sailing instructor in businesses he ran and founded in the Caribbean. Pilot.

B.S. degree, Biological Sciences, State University of New York, Stony Brook.
M.S. degree, Biology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.
Ph.D. program, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.(Physiology & Biophysics)



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  • Tue, Feb 11 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 18 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 25 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
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Empathetic Presence and Nonviolent Communication Eugene
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