
Article Intro

Trainers are invited to write lessons, tips, and experiences with NVC.

Three Layers of Response to Horror

Submitted by Sally Marie, Dec, 2020
By LaShelle Lowe-Charde
From Connection Gem

Our world is filled with awe-inspiring beauty, sacredness, and love. And throughout its history there have been—and continue to be—experiences of shocking horror. Horror could be defined as a reaction to that which turns away from or rejects the preciousness and sacredness of life. Here in the United States, many have witnessed with horror the words and actions of certain government officials over the past four years. All around the globe we can identify horrors sparked by the smallest of moments and the most massive of systems. And we are called to respond. How do you respond?

Parenting without Obedience

Submitted by Sally Marie, Nov, 2020
By Miki & Arnina Kashtan
From The Fearless Heart

When parents and adults shift specifically changing the structure of parent- from obedience, shaming, and right/wrong thinking, to freedom, love, willingness, and caring dia- logue, children can and do find and cultivate their organic and genuine desire to care for the well-being of others, both adults and children, alongside their own.

Facing the Holidays in a Pandemic

Submitted by Sally Marie, Nov, 2020
By LaShelle Lowe-Charde
From Connection Gem

Holidays typically present a number of challenging decisions. During the pandemic, some of those decisions might be simplified for you, while some become more complex. The pandemic might help you simplify the question of whether or not you will travel to visit family, or who to include in a gathering. At the same time, it may ask you to become more creative in designing the experience you hope for during the holidays.

Submitted by Bob Wentworth, Sep, 2020

Marshall Rosenberg wrote, "In our development toward a state of emotional liberation, most of us experience three stages in the way we relate to others." He labeled these three stages as (1) "emotional slavery," (2) "the obnoxious stage," and (3) "emotional liberation" (Nonviolent Communication, Chapter 5).

In recent years, I have become increasingly concerned that we, as an NVC trainer community, have often been ineffective in supporting people to transition between the latter two stages. I interpret a significant...

Submitted by Bob Wentworth, Aug, 2020

I’d like to share something that might help illuminate one aspect of some differences in views that I’ve been sensing in the NVC network. I have hope that this might also contribute to people’s journeys of learning and practicing NVC. This topic is important to me because I see growing our skills around engaging with Interdependence as what offers hope for a more peaceful world.

* * *

I have an idea that there are several orientations to relating to self and others which are relevant as people learn NVC and deepen their practice:

  1. Enmeshment - In...

Three Strategies for Working with Worry

Submitted by Sally Marie, Aug, 2020
By LaShelle Lowe-Charde
From Connection Gem

In these times of global change, you might find your mind lost in worry more than ever. Letting worry take over inhibits joy, health, and wise, compassionate action. It’s important to be able to work with it effectively so that you can contribute to love and well-being for yourself and others.

NonViolent Communication and Politics

Submitted by Sally Marie, Aug, 2020
From PuddleDancer Press

What is the connection between Nonviolent Communication and Politics?

Is there room in politics for Nonviolent Communication (NVC)?

Does Nonviolent Communication have a specific political agenda?

NVC aims for a world in which everybody’s needs are met and conflicts are resolved peacefully.

Together You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation

Submitted by Sally Marie, Aug, 2020
By John Lewis
From The New York TImes

While my time here has now come to an end, I want you to know that in the last days and hours of my life you inspired me. You filled me with hope about the next chapter of the great American story when you used your power to make a difference in our society. Millions of people motivated simply by human compassion laid down the burdens of division. Around the country and the world you set aside race, class, age, language and nationality to demand respect for human dignity.

Submitted by Tina Taylor, Jun, 2020

June 19, 2020 (“Juneteenth”)

One of my former NVC students at the Oregon State Penitentiary was transferred to another prison out of state many years ago, and we have kept in touch by mail from time to time. I’ll call him Joe, to protect his anonymity. He wrote to me recently, after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and the George Floyd murder, and I was so struck by his words, I want to share them with you. Joe has given me permission to do so, and I have only edited lightly for clarity. As a bit of background: Joe has been in prison since he was 15 years old, and he just turned...


How can NVC be helpful in Transformative Times today

Submitted by Sally Marie, Jun, 2020
By Roxy Manning, PhD
From PuddleDancer Press

Even in the midst of all that is moving in the world, three experiences left me particularly shaken today. Each gave clarity about what NVC can offer in the midst of these times, and where we need to be vigilant. Here are the three events that shaped my day.



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I recently felt compelled to print a couple of thousand business-size cards featuring a quote...

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NVC Foundation Course Zoom
  • Mon, Oct 28 - 6:30pm – 8:30pm
NVC Integration Course Zoom
  • Tue, Oct 29 - 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Empathetic Presence and Nonviolent Communication Eugene
  • Sun, Nov 3 - 12:01pm – 1:15pm
NVC Foundation Course Zoom
  • Mon, Nov 4 - 6:30pm – 8:30pm
NVC Integration Course Zoom
  • Tue, Nov 5 - 6:30pm – 8:30pm

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