I once asked myself the question, “Is there a single key that could make a difference in addressing all the world’s problems?” It seemed to me that if we could find ways to more reliably partner to work together, instead of battling or working at cross-purposes, then this could make all the difference. To me, NVC offers some critical pieces of the puzzle, concerning how we can be together in more satisfying ways. NVC powerfully contributes to making new things possible intra-personally (in how we relate to ourselves), interpersonally (between people), and potentially on larger scales (systemically, institutionally and politically). I am interesting in supporting the application of NVC at all these levels. I’m also interested in integrating NVC with additional knowledge, about individual thriving (especially in the face of trauma) and organizational functioning (including consciousness about use of power).
I am a CNVC Certified Trainer, and have led workshops around the world. In addition to leading workshops, I offer private sessions, coaching and mediation for individuals and couples—for learning, healing, and creating inner and outer peace. For groups and institutions, I offer facilitation and coaching to support increased effectiveness and alignment with aspirational values.
I co-founded Family Heart Camp, a collection of NVC family camps held each year around the US. I served on the Board of Directors of the Center for Nonviolent Communication. I have a Ph.D. in Applied Physics.