Dear Friend

Sally Marie's picture

ORNCC's mission is to support the spread of NVC in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our volunteer board members are involved in NVC practice groups, trainings, consulting and working with prison inmates.

All board members are volunteer fundraisers. Our most successful fundraising over the last three years has been from NVC trainings planned and carried out with all volunteer labor supplied by board members and NVC friends. Thanks to all of you, and us, our bank balance is $8900. We can handle our annual expenses (fees to the State, mailbox rental and website maintenance come to about $1500/year).

We don't need money (which is a strategy, not a need). We do need support. Would you be willing to provide time? ideas? money?

Please email ideas and volunteer offerings to Board Vice President Sally Marie.

Monetary contributions are tax deductible at our Donate page or by mailing a check to ORNCC at 1430 Willamette St. #4, Eugene, OR 97401.

With more money we could contribute Spanish language books locally, offer scholarships and provide low cost trainings.

NVC skills and consciousness are indispensable and are slowly gaining recognition in a variety of fields. We invite you to join the ORNCC board in imagining and building a future in which the needs of each individual are valued. This is a profoundly hopeful act, not a reaction but a choice to live more fully and courageously.

Warm regards,

Sally Marie, Gary Baran, Mark Babson, Selene Aitken, Bryn Hazel, Carlos Sathler
The ORNCC Board of Directors


ORNCC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contibutions are tax-deductible. Learn more

Interested in serving on the ORNCC Board of Directors? We now accept applications on an ongoing basis.

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Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 11 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 18 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathy Skills Training Portland
  • Tue, Feb 25 - 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Empathetic Presence and Nonviolent Communication Eugene
  • Sun, Mar 2 - 12:01pm – 1:15pm
Empathetic Presence and Nonviolent Communication Eugene
  • Sun, Apr 6 - 12:01pm – 1:15pm

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