Anthony Marchant

Anthony Marchant's picture

Anthony’s journey to become a therapist began in his early 20s when he mentored at-risk teens in Portland, focusing on the power of relationship to transform lives. While he worked to make a difference in the lives of teens, he found it was his own life that was most powerfully defined and enhanced through the relationships he built and the people who touched his heart.
As his work as a mentor continued, he began to learn and practice Nonviolent Communication (NVC). This was a truly transformative time in his life; it felt to him that a seed had been planted and had begun to grow.
He went on to volunteer as a Peace Corps community health educator in Gabon, West Africa. While there he cultivated a true passion for working with people. Coupled with his experience as a mentor and with NVC it became clear that relationship—with oneself and with others—was where he wanted to direct his energy for the rest of his life.

After two years in the Peace Corps he went on to earn a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology at Naropa University. Naropa offered a Buddhist-inspired contemplative/experiential education which deeply rooted his clinical skills in a framework of presence and mindfulness, a unique education that was able to integrate all of his previous life experiences. He is currently being trained in Somatic Experiencing (TM), a body centered modality that focuses on trauma and issues related to the healthy functioning of the nervous system.

Anthony specializes in working with couples, families, adults and adolescents. Examples of his broad experience include his having worked within a school system counseling adolescents and their families, and in providing successful long-term treatment to individuals convicted of domestic abuse and more recently with people suffering from various trauma related disorders.
Anthony lives with his wife, daughter and two dogs in southwest Portland. He practices Aikido, a Japanese non-violent martial art, employing its emphasis on balance, connection and compassion in his personal and professional work. “My intention is to bring who I am, and my training, into therapy to help others live their lives to the fullest.”



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NVC Foundation Course Zoom
  • Mon, Jul 15 - 6:30pm – 8:30pm
NVC Integration Course Zoom
  • Tue, Jul 16 - 6:30pm – 8:30pm
NVC Foundation Course Zoom
  • Mon, Jul 22 - 6:30pm – 8:30pm
NVC Integration Course Zoom
  • Tue, Jul 23 - 6:30pm – 8:30pm
NVC Foundation Course Zoom
  • Mon, Jul 29 - 6:30pm – 8:30pm

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