Robert Gonzales

Robert Gonzales's picture

Robert Gonzales’ work, Living Compassion, has emerged from a lifetime of inquiry into the intersection between spirituality and human communication. His influences include Dr. Marshall Rosenberg (founder of Nonviolent Communication), Stephen R. Schwartz (creator of Compassionate Self-Care), and other spiritual teachers.

Robert received a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 1989 and was a practicing therapist for many years, offering individual and couples counseling. He met Marshall Rosenberg in 1985 and began teaching Nonviolent Communication in 1986.

Robert’s work Living Compassion has evolved as an integration of embodied spirituality and Nonviolent Communication. His trainings offer ways to cultivate daily practices for living life fully, grounded in compassion for one’s self and others.

Robert has contributed to the work of the Center for Nonviolent Communication as a Certified Trainer, serving as a Certification Assessor, and as former President of the Board of Directors. He continues to serve as a lead trainer for International Intensive Trainings (IITs). He was one of the co-founders of the NVC Training Institute. In the year 2000, he established the Prescott Center for Nonviolent Communication. In June 2010, he relocated to Portland, Oregon and re-formed the organization as the Center for Living Compassion, a nonprofit organization through which he shares his work. As the director of the Center for Living Compassion, he conducts seminars and retreats nationally and internationally.

"All my life, I have yearned for practical ways to integrate the depth and richness of spirituality with the realities of daily life and relationships. As a psychotherapist and teacher, I worked to develop and offer effective pathways to the most enriching and authentic experiences of life.”

"The work of Living Compassion emerges from my own inner journey enriched and inspired by many people with whom I have enjoyed being and working. What I share is centered in the dimension of the heart; it is what is most deeply alive in me and the most meaningful activity in my life."



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