From Eugene photographer Gina Easley:
This just blew my mind. The Sun magazine (March 2019 issue) published my photo of a man sitting at the Empathy Tent (which can be found at our Saturday outdoor market here in Eugene). At the time I took the photo I didn’t get his name, and didn't know the name of the group that runs the tent, so I've been hoping to figure out a way to find him to give him a copy of the magazine. Yesterday one of the Sun readers sent me an email inquiring about the photo and mentioned that there is a stuffed giraffe next to the man in the photo and that the giraffe is a symbol used by the NVC (non-violent communication) community. That was the clue I needed, so I found our local NVC chapter online and sent them the photo. They then sent the photo to the man in question, whose name I've learned, is Mark Roberts. And he just sent me an email and let me know that in the photo, unbeknownst to me, he is holding a copy of THE SUN MAGAZINE!!!